Saturday, May 19, 2012

Create 3D objects inside Cocos2D-x (Part 1 - Introduction)

Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Menus

Cocos2D-x is, as you might infer from its name, a 2d gaming library. But, as it uses OpenGL internally to draw its stuff, we might leverage it to create some 3D objects on the mix.

In this post I'm going to show how to create a  bunch of animated 3D boxes inside a Cocos2D-X scene mixed with 2D sprites.

Although I don't recommend using Cocos2D-x for making a complete 3D game, adding some 3D objects might bring some interesting effects.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Video Tutorial: Scrollable layer with Parallax (LevelHelper + Cocos2d-X)

A nice game level selection mechanism, particularly for "world" selection, is a scrollable layer that snaps to specific points. Also, I want to mix this with a parallax effect.

I've created a video tutorial that shows how to create this effect using LevelHelper, SpriteHelper and Cocos2d-x. Don't mind the sucky minimalistic "art" :)

It's my first video tutorial ever, so keep your expectations moderated :P

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mobile game development - The road so far

I've loved gaming since my first Spectrum in 86. Although I don't play as much as before I still try to find the time for some Skyrim, Battlefield, Uncharted, etc.

Anyway, that's the "consumer" side of it. Some months ago I started to delve into game development, particularly on the mobile space. As I had just bought a Mac I decided to target iOS.

Long story short, this has been the road so far:
  • Bought a Mac
  • Enrolled in a Apple Developer Program (meaning, paid 100 usd)
  • Stared at XCode and ObjectiveC scratching my head
  • Researched
  • Tried to develop a game
  • Failed miserably
  • (paused 6 months)
  • Re-Research
  • Current Time